Why Blog?

Why did you decide to start a blog? I have heard this question a lot in the last month. A LOT. It is so hard to give an answer. There are so many reasons. I am hoping to answer some of the questions today and maybe even encourage you to start your own blog!

I don't scrapbook. I don't keep track of my pictures very well. I try to journal but this ends up happening about every 4 months and then I write 6 pages trying to catch my family up on all that has happened in our life. A blog is a way for me to consistently document my family's daily life. For me, and for my kids. In some way, shape, or form I hope they will be able to look back at this when they are parents. I hope they can show their kids. I will still journal some more intimate family moments but our daily life will be posted here.

This is also a way for our family to keep track of us. Some of our family members don't have social media. My sister and Dan's aunt and uncle live close to us, but other than that, all of our family is hours away. We don't see them often. We talk to some more than others, but this is a way for them to see the kids more often. 

I needed a part-time job hobby that I can do at home. At first, it did feel like a part time job {minus the pay}. With three kids and not much family around, I can't have many hobbies outside of the house. I like to be home with my family, in fact, I am a complete homebody. I can be me and do this hobby. I enjoy writing and it has always come easy to me. Am I perfect with my grammar? NOPE. When telling some of my friends about my blog, I made sure to mention that I know I will make mistakes in how I write. My posts will never be perfect. I do take time to proofread but I am not going to spend too much time critiquing every sentence. #fulltimejob #fulltimemom #parttimehobby

This is similar to three, but the reason I wanted a hobby I can do at home is so I would spend less time on my phone. I wanted to be more intentional with my morning/evening time. After the kids go to bed, I feel like I would sit on my phone browsing my various apps while watching TV. I am a busy body and I like seeing productivity. For me, this lifestyle wasn't making me happy {many need this downtime to unwind, I totally understand}. Having this blog is a way for me to be more intentional and purposeful with my time. I am one of those people who is more productive the busier I am.

I felt like blogging would help me develop some connections with others. Connections with people I may not even know! I follow a lot of blogs and the authors have been very inspiring to me {Mix and Match Mama, A Little Bit of Everything, A Little Bit of Emily, I Heart Organizing}. I also felt like it would allow me to learn from others. I am passionate about some things and enjoy talking about them with others. I have learned so much from reading different blogs that has honestly impacted my life. Maybe I can inspire someone?

I have no idea what this blog will evolve into or if it will be done in a few months or a year. In the end, I just felt called to do it. It was something that had been on my heart for a few years. It was not easy to start. In fact it was completely overwhelming {design, HTML, widgets} but I was determined to figure it out {and I have a very patient husband}. I have topics I would like to get into more (faith, fashion, and cooking), but I also have a full time job and three kids with activities. We will see where the road leads!

Thank YOU for supporting me on this adventure. I don't really know if people are reading or not, but have heard from some of you so I know there are a few out there :) Always feel free to leave a comment, it helps to know someone is reading ;)


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